Rise of Nationalism In Europe Class 10 Notes History Chapter 1


Notes for Rise of Nationalism In Europe for Class 10 The free download of Social Science History Chapter 1 SST PDF is part of the Class 10 Social Science Notes for Quick Revision. We have provided Rise of Nationalism In Europe Class 10 History Chapter 1 Notes below.

The Rise of Nationalism in Europe


The 19th century was marked by the rise of nationalism in Europe.

The concept of a nation-state and nationalism developed after the decline of the multinational empires, particularly after the French Revolution (1789).

This chapter discusses the various processes through which nation-states were formed and the rise of nationalism as a dominant force in Europe.

1. The French Revolution and the Idea of the Nation

French Revolution: Introduced ideas of liberty, equality, and fraternity.

Nation-state concept: Before this, Europe was divided into kingdoms ruled by monarchs. The revolution introduced the idea that sovereignty lies with the people, not the king.

Measures taken by revolutionaries:

  • Abolition of monarchy and establishment of a republic.
  • Introduction of a centralized administration, uniform laws, and a system of weights and measures.
  • Introduction of a new French flag and national anthem.
  • The idea of La Patrie (the fatherland) and Le Citoyen (the citizen).

Napoleon Bonaparte (keyword: Napoleonic Code, 1804):

  • After coming to power, Napoleon introduced many reforms to modernize the French administrative system.
  • The Napoleonic Code (Civil Code of 1804) ended feudal privileges and introduced equality before the law.
  • However, Napoleon also became more of an emperor, and his wars for expansion spread nationalism across Europe.

2. The Making of Nationalism in Europe

Europe in the early 19th century:

  • No concept of unified nations. Germany, Italy, and Switzerland were fragmented into different kingdoms.
  • Empires like the Austrian, Russian, and Ottoman-ruled over diverse groups of people.

Liberal Nationalism:

  • The term 'liberalism' comes from the Latin word ‘liber’ meaning free.
  • In the early 19th century, liberalism was associated with the desire for constitutional government and freedom of the press.

Economic Liberalism:

  • Zollverein (1834): A customs union among German states that removed trade barriers and promoted economic unity.

3. The Age of Revolutions: 1830-1848

The 1830s saw a wave of revolutions across Europe.

France: After the July Revolution of 1830, King Louis Philippe came to power, and the constitutional monarchy was restored.

Belgium gained independence from the United Kingdom of the Netherlands in 1830.

Revolution of 1848:

  • Widespread dissatisfaction with monarchical and conservative regimes.
  • The middle classes demanded constitutional reforms and national unification.
  • Germany, Italy, and Austrian territories saw revolts, though most were crushed by conservative forces.

4. The Making of Germany and Italy


  • Otto von Bismarck (Prime Minister of Prussia) led the unification of Germany.
  • Unification was achieved after the Franco-Prussian War (1870-71), and King William I of Prussia was proclaimed the Emperor of unified Germany in 1871.


  • The unification of Italy was driven by figures like Giuseppe Mazzini, Count Camillo di Cavour, and Giuseppe Garibaldi.
  • Mazzini formed Young Italy and promoted a republican vision.
  • Cavour, the Prime Minister of Sardinia-Piedmont, used diplomacy and alliances to unite Northern Italy.
  • Garibaldi led campaigns to liberate Southern Italy.
  • By 1870, Italy was unified, with Rome as its capital.

5. Nationalism and Imperialism

  • Towards the end of the 19th century, nationalism became associated with imperialism.
  • European powers like Britain, France, and Germany started acquiring colonies in Africa and Asia.
  • Nationalism, thus, took on a more aggressive and expansionist character.

Key Concepts and Terms:

Nation-State: A state where people with a common identity and shared history live together under a single government.

Sovereignty: The idea that the power of governance lies with the people.

La Patrie and Le Citoyen: Revolutionary symbols introduced in France, meaning "the fatherland" and "the citizen."

Napoleonic Code: Legal reforms introduced by Napoleon, focusing on equality before the law.

Zollverein: A customs union formed in 1834 by German states.

Otto von Bismarck: The architect of German unification.

Giuseppe Mazzini, Count Cavour, Garibaldi: Important figures in Italian unification.


The rise of nationalism in Europe was a complex process influenced by wars, revolutions, and reforms. By the end of the 19th century, many European countries had formed nation-states, but nationalism also fueled imperialism and tensions leading to global conflicts.


  • Nationalism
  • French Revolution
  • Napoleonic Code
  • Nation-state
  • Zollverein
  • Liberalism
  • 1848 Revolutions
  • Otto von Bismarck
  • Giuseppe Mazzini
  • Imperialism

There is NO map work for this Chapter

Copyright © 2024 Salik Sayeed & Ateeb Eqbal, Credit to "Note Share" for the notes

Rise of Nationalism In Europe Class 10 Notes Social Science History Chapter 1

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